You can find our products in the following Sporting Life stores:
Sporting Life:
2665 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario
Phone : 416-485-1611
Sporting Life Bikes & Boards:
2454 Yonge Street, Toronto,Ontario
Phone :416-485-4440
Sporting LifeSherway Gardens:
25 The West Mall, Etobicoke,Ontario
Phone :416-620-7750
Sporting Life Collingwood:
222 Hurontario Street,Colllingwood,Ontario
Phone :705-445-3773
Sporting LifeMarkville Shopping Centre:
5000 Highway 7,Markham,Ontario
Phone :905-258-1111
Sporting LifeLansdowne Park:
125 Marche Way,Ottawa,Ontario
Phone :613-216-6000
Sporting LifeHillcrest Mall:
9350 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill,Ontario
Phone :905-292-0001
Sporting LifeSouth Centre Mall:
100 Anderson Road SE, Calgary,Alberta
Phone :403-313-4477
Sporting LifeMarket Mall:
3625 Shaganappi Trail NW, Calgary,Alberta
Sporting Life Yorkdale:
3401 Dufferin Street, North York, Ontario